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Obtaining your first PIC type rating is an essential milestone. Here’s why your first Citation PIC type rating should be earned in the actual aircraft.


Are you looking for CE-500 type rating training? Continue reading for the challenges you will face and how to overcome them.

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Communication is a key aspect of pilot training. Here is how air traffic control communications should be done in international operations.

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A type rating is required to fly a “large aircraft” meaning one that has a maximum certificated takeoff weight of greater than 12,500 lb. or an aircraft that is jet powered.


Jet Safety International has been involved in aviation consulting for major Asian airlines both within the United States and in Southeast Asia.


At Jet Safety International, our aviation consulting service is dedicated to helping your airline improve operations safety.

recurrent training

Spring is right around the corner. While you're cleaning around your office and getting ready for the warmer weather, it may be worth considering refreshing your flight training, too. While certain pilot licenses don't expire, recurrent training is still important (and often required), especially because safety procedures can change. But how do you know when it's time to refresh your flight training?

Consider Your Type Rating

According to SkyTough, there are over 100,000 commercial pilots operating in the United States. Different pilots have different type...

International recurrent training

Even if you aren’t located in the United States, Jet Safety International is here to provide for your recurrent and citation training needs.


Earning your pilot's license and receiving recurrent training classes are a great way to build new skills and hone current ones.

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Read this blog to learn what kind of pilot's license you need for the new year. Course instructors will be able to help.


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