Cessna Citation Recurrent Training Courses

PIC and SIC Type Ratings and Recurrent Training

  • CE-500 or CE-525 PIC Type Rating

  • CE-500 or CE-525 SIC Type Rating

  • CE-500 or CE-525 PIC Recurrent Training

  • CE-500 or CE-525 SIC Recurrent Training

JSI provides Cessna Citation recurrent training courses on all models. We also provide differences training for pilots flying multiple versions or transitioning to another aircraft within the series. For more information on our Cessna Citation recurrent training courses, PIC type rating or SIC type rating contact JSI today!

The CE-500 series includes ELEVEN models:


The CE-525 series includes TEN models:

CJ / CJ1 / CJ1+ / CJ2 / CJ2+ / CJ3 / CJ3+ / CJ4 / M2 / M2+

PIC Type Rating CE-525 or CE-500

  • The CE-525 ground school is undergoing amendment re-submission peding approval by the FAA under 14 CFR Part 141.
  • A comprehensive manual including aircraft systems, performance, weight & balance is provided for pre-course study.
  • Ground school normally lasts 5 to 6 days and is taught by a highly experienced instructor using an in-house PowerPoint presentation.
  • Cockpit Procedures Training in the actual aircraft.
  • Instruction in the aircraft as required for proficiency.
  • Oral examination and flight test in the aircraft.
  • Total days allocated should 7 to 9 days or as required for proficiency, international students should allow 9 to 12 days for “jet lag” and other contingencies.

PIC Recurrent Training – 14 CFR Part 61.58

  • Ground school normally lasts one day and is taught by a highly experienced instructor using an in-house PowerPoint presentation.
  • Instruction and flight check in the aircraft as required for proficiency.
  • Total days allocated should be two to three days.

SIC Type Rating – 14 CFR Part 61.55(b)

  • A comprehensive manual including aircraft systems, performance, weight & balance is provided for pre-course study.
  • Ground school normally lasts one day and is taught by a highly experienced instructor using an in-house PowerPoint presentation.
  • Cockpit Procedures Training in the actual aircraft.
  • Instruction in the aircraft as required for proficiency.
  • FAA pilot certification – CE-500 or CE-525 SIC PRIVILEGES ONLY.
  • Total days allocated should be two to three days.

SIC Recurrent training – 14 CFR Part 61.55(b)

  • Ground school and instruction in the aircraft as required for proficiency.
  • Total days allocated should be two days, international students should allow 4 days for “jet lag” and other contingencies.

All Jet Safety International instructors are highly experienced professional pilots who have significant pilot in command flight experience in the aircraft they are teaching. Jet Safety International provides world class Initial & Recurrent Training Programs in the actual aircraft.

Contact JSI to Learn More