If you're in need of an SIC-type rating, you can begin by completing the CE-525 SIC-type rating course at Jet Safety International.
When Is It Required to Have an SIC-Type Rating?
Jet Safety International
After the end of World War II, the Convention on International Civil Aviation, (known as the Chicago Convention) drafted in 1944 by 54 nations, was established to promote cooperation and “create and preserve friendship and understanding among the nations and peoples of the world.” Unfortunately, the United States did not comply with all provisions until recently. On August 4, 2005 the FAA introduced the Second in Command Type rating to comply with international standards.
An SIC-type rating gives a pilot the qualifications to serve as a second-in-command on an aircraft that requires a Type Rating. However, some pilots may be wondering whether they really need to have a SIC-type rating to act as Second in Command.
Flying Outside U.S. Airspace
It is required to have at least an SIC-type rating to act as Second in Command (co-pilot) when you plan to fly an aircraft that requires a Type Rating outside of the U.S.
Even if you're not planning to land in another country, it is still required to have an SIC-type rating when you plan to fly outside of U.S. airspace and in the airspace of another country, according to our experts. There's a chance that you may fly into the airspace of another country or may need to land internationally depending on the flight situation. For example, you may fly into Canadian airspace if you're flying from one state to another, such as Alaska.
The FAA requires under 14 CFR part 91.101 that pilots are aware of alternatives available if the planned flight cannot be completed therefore be prepared in the event of needing to make an unplanned landing at an airport outside of the U.S.
Where Do I Get an SIC-Type Rating?
If you're in need of an SIC-type rating or if you want to get yours just in case, you can begin by completing the CE-525 SIC-type rating course under 14 CFR Part 61.55(b) at Jet Safety International. This course includes a study guide, ground school, cockpit procedures training, flight instruction in the aircraft, and FAA pilot certification.
Jet Safety International is your one-stop shop for recurrent training by highly qualified course instructors, aviation consulting services, citation training, and more. Contact us today for more information about getting your SIC-type rating today!
Posted 10/24/23