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How Long Does It Take to Complete a PIC Type Rating?

A type rating is required to fly a “large aircraft” meaning one that has a maximum certificated takeoff weight of greater than 12,500 lb. or an aircraft that is jet powered.

According to CAE, the global population of active commercial / airline pilots is 351,000 in 2023. In June 2023, CAE published its own forecast of pilot demand for the next 10 years, which projected a need for 252,000 new commercial pilots by 2032.

Completing an initial PIC (Pilot in Command) type rating is a major milestone in a professional pilot’s career.

The duration of training for a type rating varies depending on several factors, including prior experience, regulatory requirements, and the complexity of the aircraft involved.

Existing Qualifications and Experience

How long your PIC-type rating training takes partially depends on your existing qualifications as a pilot. Typically, candidates for a PIC-type rating already have an FAA Commercial Pilot Certificate or ICAO Commercial Pilot License (CPL) or an FAA Airline Transport Pilot Certificate (ATP) or ICAO Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL).

These qualifications are prerequisite to Type Rating Training. Pilots with extensive experience flying similar aircraft types and with previous type rating(s) will require less training compared to those training for their first or initial type rating.

Regulatory Requirements

Regulatory requirements play an important role in determining how long your PIC-type rating training may take. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in the U.S. or the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) in Europe defines training requirements an aircraft type rating.

These regulations ensure that pilots receive standardized training covering all essential aspects of operating the aircraft with safely and proficiency. The training program may include ground school instruction, simulator sessions, and actual flight training under the supervision of qualified instructors.

Aircraft Size and Complexity

Contrary to popular belief aircraft size is largely irrelevant but aircraft complexity can effect the duration of training. More complex aircraft may require more extensive training because of their advanced systems, higher performance capabilities, and increased operational complexities.

Training Schedule

If you're looking to earn your PIC type rating or you're interested in scheduling type rating training, look no further than Jet Safety International. We have an exceptional instructor team to help you achieve your goals.